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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dónde estás Constanza

This book called “Dónde estás Constanza” shows us a story about adolescents’ relationships. In fact, it shows how people become from children to adults, passing though the adolescence. In my opinion, it was a book that represents in a good way how people pass through these steps in life. It shows children of different ages where you can see clearly this difference.

First of all, we have the case of a 13 year-old boy. He had been thinking as a normal 13 year-old person till he met a 12 year-old girl that he fell in love with. After meet her he begun to start thinking about being with her and have a relationship with her, things that he never thought before. In this part of the book we can see the difference between the boy’s thoughts passing through his childhood to his teens.

Second, in the chapters where the boy gets away with the girl to live her dream he realizes that those kinds of acts are irresponsible. In this case the boy began to think that she is not getting worried about her family or friends, she is just thinking about her own dreams that, certainly, are not his dreams. Because of that, the boy gets away from the girl by his own. In this case we can see how the boy began thinking and acting as an adult. He started to get worried about if acts where responsible o irresponsible in steed of just focus his mind on what he wanted.

As we saw in the essay, in the book we could find very good examples of the children change from being a child to being an adult. The first one, about the pass to an adolescent life, and the second one, about the pass to become an adult shows us what normally happens with people. Again, I feel that this topic was very well represented.

Ch 863 R788de c.1

Friday, October 22, 2010


This web site is called Submedia TV. I found it because a teacher showed it to me one day in the class. I found it interesting, so I decided to see what was it about. Then, I could realize that this web site shows topics that people do not talk about very often. All the contrary, normally, people do not know what is really happening around the world. When I began as a follower of this page I did not know, really, what to expect of it, but then I could see that it tryes to maintain people informed about what governments, around the world, do to maintain people's calm. That called my attention when I saw a video from this page for the first time. It is amazing how the person (that nobody knows who is him/her) knows that much.
The page has a frecuency of videos around once a month, but there are times that you have to wait more than that to see a video. That is the only bad thing I could find of it, and I have to admit that it was hard! It is for this reason that I do not visit it, very often.
If you want to visit it, the page is: submedia.tv  You just need to be a member, and you will receive information about the page.
I really love it!

The use of technology in the classroom

The tipe of information I found was about the use of technology in the classroom. In this article, the author talked about the use of ICOT, what is an application downloaded from ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), what is a "membership association for educators and education leaders". This article talks about how ICOT can help teachers and students to improve their learning and teaching process. The thing is that, with this program, teachers can autoevaluate themselves, and, in that way, improve their skills in terms of teaching. The usual problem in the society is that teachers do not use technology in their classroom, neither to teach, nor making themselves better teachers.
In my opinion, teachers around the world should be, in some way, interested in technology, because it does not matter if you (as teacher) like it or not. The thing is that students are living other reality, the one that uses technology in everything, and, as we (as teachers) need to teach them in the way that they could learn, we need to be aware of what is interesting for them. What I mean is that, teachers must adapt themselves in the students context, and not the other way around. What is more, technology can help us to know how are we doing in terms of educating people. So that, teachers must be informed about what is new in terms of technology.
Without any doubt, this kind of information is directed to teachers and students, but also, to parents, school's members and the society, because the information is closely related to what happens in the classroom, but it is, also, related to people's education.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mechai Viravaidya: How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place

The job that they made is fantastic, because that population have added the habit of taking care of themselves and the planet, to their lives. Also, they have made of the use of protection, something normal in their lives. And last but not least, they do not want people to stop having sex, (as our culture promotes most of the times) they know that people do not do it, they just teach them how to deal with the problem of getting pregnant and to protect themselves when they are very poor.
In my oppinion, something similar should happen to culture if we want to make change. If we, as teachers, begin putting ourselves in the other's shoes, we could teach in a better way. What I mean is that, we need to think about the reality that our students are living, before making some change. For instance, if I see that in the school that I work at, there are no habits of taking care of our planet, I cannot just tell my students to look for some ways to protect the environment on internet. We, as good teachers, need to carry all students to a real place, and make them to get involved in the protection of our planet. I strongly believe (and the video and the strike helped me a lot to believe it) that if we are a small group that have some ideas to help some community, and we are organized, we can make a big change and to transmit our enthusiasm to other people. That could help to improve our culture and to feel that we belong to some place.
What I have learned about the strike, mostly, and the video is that I cannot do something big if I am alone. But, what could really work is to promote some idea. For example, if I want to change something from my community, I can talk with other people and try to see if we have the same interests about the topic. If we think alike , we could continue promoting it, and make a bigger group that could make a change. But the true is that if I am alone the only change I can do is in other people thinking, what could be big depending on people organization.

Hypnotize (System of a Down)

-When you heard it for the first time?
I cannot remember when I heard it for the first time, but I think it was when I downloaded some System of a Down’s discs. I heard the disc called Hypnotize, and when I paid attention to the song (wich has the same name) I really felt that this song had something very important to say, because the only thing that I understood at that time (Because I was not good at english 5or 6 years ago) was “television made you buy it”. It was a little bit shoking for me, because I had never thought about that, I mean, that TV provokes something on people.

-What struck your attention?
When I understood the song (better than the first time) what called my attention was the sentence “Propaganda leaves us blinded”. What, actually, is true. We just need to think about it.

-Who it is by?
This song is by System of a Down

-What it makes you feel?
This song makes me feel upset with people that still think that TV does not lie us. I have met too many people that still think that everything that is shown by the TV cannot be, everything, a lie. Moreover, they think that TV does not control them, because they have the posibility to decide between buying this thing or the other. The thing is that, whatever they decide to buy is because TV gave them a "subliminal message" to buy it, and they do not realize about it.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chile mine rescue 'set to begin in mid-October' (BBC news)

This news says that the miners, that were to be rescued in, approximately, 3 month, could be rescued in the second half of October. The thing is that everything have been going on quicly, so that the miner could be with their families earlier than they thought.
In my opinion, this news (about miners trapped in San José's mine) is just a way to focus the people's attention in something else, and not on what is happening with the Mapuches. What is more, I really feel that this could be something previously planned. How could all the miners be in a safe place, and the other ones could leave without injures? I am not saying that some of them have to be dead, but I cannot believe that this is totally true. Maybe, the government has planned everything as a "Reality", and promised the miners an ammount of money if they accepted to do it. If it is not that way, I cannot explain why they are so happy, and they thank Piñera for what "he" has done. Do you see that there is nothing bad with the miners? everything is OK, while the Mapuches are suffering, fighting for what, governments ago, was snatched from them.
I am conscious that the mass medias do their job in this game, but, anyways, I feel that miners are not suffering. Even though, their families are.

(Information taken from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-11456685)